Ephesians 5: 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Faher in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What a day to celebrate!
We don't always get exactly what we want but God is always faithful to give us what we need.
My husband and I have been praying for a situation and as usual, God answered!!! We always pray for things, believing; whether it is answered in the way we think it should be or not, it is always answered in God's way, which is the best way and at the best time.
We never doubted the answer would come; we just didn't know when. If we get frustrated when things don't take place when we think they should, we are having little faith. God will always answer our prayers but it will be in His time. Never give up!!!
We praise Him today, thanking Him for loving us so much, that no matter how undeserving we are, He always blesses us. Whether the answer is yes, no, or not yet, God will answer; we just have to be willing to pray for His Will. As you continually pray, know that God is orchestrating everything to work out for your good.
Romans 8: 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Praying that your prayers are answered, in His way, and you are able to see His hand at work, giving you the exact answer you need, at the exact time you need it.
Having faith and never doubting..............
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Making A Difference
Jude .... Verse 22 And of some have compassion, making a difference (KJV)
As Christians, we all want to make a difference in someone's life; how do we do this? As I heard a dear preacher explain it in a sermon, years ago, I will paraphrase it for you.
These are simple steps in making a difference to family, friends, and to the world.......
1. Grow--in the Lord daily.
2. Care--about the condition of the world and the calling on your life.
3. Learn--how God is using you and listen to Him speak
4. Focus--on the Lord and do not become distracted by the world, the flesh, or the devil
5. Strive--for more, by not becoming complacent or satisfied........Always:
a. Be sensitive to God's working
b. Be teachable by His Word
c. Be responsive to God's Will
d. Be confident He will work in your life
And, above all else:
6. Stay--Clean before God, Close to God, and Committed to God!
As we continue our journey with the Lord, my prayer is that each of us can follow these simple steps in order to make a difference in someone's life; encouraging others and loving them along the way. We must all let our light shine, in hopes of planting a seed that leads right to the heart of Jesus.
Working to make a difference......
As Christians, we all want to make a difference in someone's life; how do we do this? As I heard a dear preacher explain it in a sermon, years ago, I will paraphrase it for you.
These are simple steps in making a difference to family, friends, and to the world.......
1. Grow--in the Lord daily.
2. Care--about the condition of the world and the calling on your life.
3. Learn--how God is using you and listen to Him speak
4. Focus--on the Lord and do not become distracted by the world, the flesh, or the devil
5. Strive--for more, by not becoming complacent or satisfied........Always:
a. Be sensitive to God's working
b. Be teachable by His Word
c. Be responsive to God's Will
d. Be confident He will work in your life
And, above all else:
6. Stay--Clean before God, Close to God, and Committed to God!
As we continue our journey with the Lord, my prayer is that each of us can follow these simple steps in order to make a difference in someone's life; encouraging others and loving them along the way. We must all let our light shine, in hopes of planting a seed that leads right to the heart of Jesus.
Working to make a difference......
Sunday, September 4, 2011
A Strong Tower
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the (consistently) righteous man (upright and in right standing with God) runs into it and is safe, high (aabove evil) and strong. (Amplified)
I lived Proverbs 18:10 during the last month; alot of things took place and I needed a place to run; I found that place in the Lord. I know that God allows everything that we go through, for a reason. He wants us to grow strong in Him each day.
There were times, I asked, "Why, Lord?", all the while knowing the circumstance had been filtered through Him. Before I even completed the question, I had to repent and begin praising Him for loving me the way He does. He cares for me so much!!! And, is always there to shelter me, if I run to Him, praising Him for Who He is.
As the old song goes, "when the praises go up, the glory comes down", He is just waiting for us to respond. When we praise Him before, during, and after our circumstance, He witholds nothing from us; His blessings are our blessings!!!
I am thankful He brought me through the month of August and gives me (and all of us) a place to run; His arms are our strong tower. When we figure out we can't do it on our own, He is still there with open arms....Run to them, they are our best protection.
Running with you.......because His arms are big enough for all of us..................
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