Isaiah 40: 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.
Have you ever been faced with a tough decision, and not have real peace about what to do? Well, we all have. God's Word tells us to "wait upon the Lord"; this takes courage and God does promise that "we can do all things through Him because He gives us strength".
Waiting is not one of the things we do well.....even though we should, because we are waiting on Him. And, having faith is pleasing to Him; sometimes much easier said than done.
I'm facing one of those decisions now and praying God will show me, clearly, what I am suppose to do. Some days I think I know what He is saying, while other days I'm really not sure. Do you think this is from the enemy? Of course it is, God is NOT the author of confusion. I've determined in my mind that God will reveal Himself so real and guide me in the right direction. We know the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, so anything that makes us doubt, is not of God.
Proverbs 3: 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding... 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.
Psalm 46: 10 Be still and know that I am God....
All we have to do is go to His Word - Studying God's Word is exactly what we are to do - He will speak to us in a powerful and very clear way. He tells us to be still, trust Him, know He is God, and He will direct our path. I know God is getting ready to show me the direction I need to go, along with giving the peace, that only He can give; He will do the same for you!
Waiting on Him, with you........
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Buried Or Planted?
John 12: 24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain, .......(NKJV)
1 Corinthians 15: 36 Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive uless it dies. (NKJV)
Do you ever feel like you are being buried by your circumstances?
I am facing circumstances, at the moment, that have me feeling as though I am buried. But as the verses state, "if it dies, it produces". We have to die to self everyday.
It's amazing how circumstances can come along, leaving you asking, "why?". I have twice this week talked about being buried or planted, (one brought on by me but another to help someone else), which helped me with today's blog.
I've been in a very difficult journey, one that has me feeling smothered and buried. But, I know, just like a little seed, I too will sprout. God is at work and this is a process. I'm not buried - I've been planted!
When we "plant" seeds in the ground, we do so expecting a beautiful flower or vegetable; whatever the seed is for. God does the same for us. You've heard the saying, "bloom where you're planted"; that's just what we have to do. God has allowed us to be where we are for the purpose of "growing" us. We may feel buried and covered in darkness, but God WILL bring us up, out of the darkness. We just have to settle in, die to self, and let the root take hold. Eventually, we will come through and see the light. This is a process - it doesn't happen over night.
I am still "under the dirt", but I can feel the love of God beaming down on me, and know that at anytime, He will pull me through. I will be stronger and better than I ever was. Knowing this doesn't make it feel any better, but knowing this, helps me to "push through", and with God's help, that's exactly what I will do. You, too, can "push through", knowing you will radiate with the beauty God intended for you.
So, if you're "in the dirt" with me, look upward, anticipating that "break-through" - the "Son" is shining and He will bring us to full bloom.....In His Time!
Growing, Producing, & Blooming Together.........................
1 Corinthians 15: 36 Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive uless it dies. (NKJV)
Do you ever feel like you are being buried by your circumstances?
I am facing circumstances, at the moment, that have me feeling as though I am buried. But as the verses state, "if it dies, it produces". We have to die to self everyday.
It's amazing how circumstances can come along, leaving you asking, "why?". I have twice this week talked about being buried or planted, (one brought on by me but another to help someone else), which helped me with today's blog.
I've been in a very difficult journey, one that has me feeling smothered and buried. But, I know, just like a little seed, I too will sprout. God is at work and this is a process. I'm not buried - I've been planted!
When we "plant" seeds in the ground, we do so expecting a beautiful flower or vegetable; whatever the seed is for. God does the same for us. You've heard the saying, "bloom where you're planted"; that's just what we have to do. God has allowed us to be where we are for the purpose of "growing" us. We may feel buried and covered in darkness, but God WILL bring us up, out of the darkness. We just have to settle in, die to self, and let the root take hold. Eventually, we will come through and see the light. This is a process - it doesn't happen over night.
I am still "under the dirt", but I can feel the love of God beaming down on me, and know that at anytime, He will pull me through. I will be stronger and better than I ever was. Knowing this doesn't make it feel any better, but knowing this, helps me to "push through", and with God's help, that's exactly what I will do. You, too, can "push through", knowing you will radiate with the beauty God intended for you.
So, if you're "in the dirt" with me, look upward, anticipating that "break-through" - the "Son" is shining and He will bring us to full bloom.....In His Time!
Growing, Producing, & Blooming Together.........................
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