As I look back over the seasons of my life, I have many memories. Some good - Some bad! But, even the bad times have been for my good.
Romans 8:28 ALL things work together for our good, to those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.
We all go through many different seasons in life; seasons of friendships and seasons alone. No matter which season you find yourself in, know that God has gone before you and is with you in each moment.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven...
If you've found yourself in a season without friendships, which I have before, there is something there for you to see. God has a lesson for each of us. He is with us no matter the circumstance; leading, guiding, and teaching us as we journey through the "alone" time. We must call on Him, asking Him to show us what He wants us to see and learn. He is always with us, but sometimes we have to be in complete solitude in order to get our eyes completely focused on Him.
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God....
As we seek Him, holding tight to His Word, we will feel His presence and sweet loving arms around us. Through every season, good and bad, we must remember that He will use everything for our good.
Enjoy the season, knowing there is purpose in pain, spiritual growth in suffering, lessons in the long-suffering, and His love in the loneliness. He is leading you and me from an ordinary season into an extraordinary season!!
Embrace the moment, knowing God loves you and is giving you different seasons in order to change you into the person He designed you to be!!
Changing through Christ....
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Winter Storm 2014
What a day! January 28, 2014 will definitely go down in history.
Just sharing my thoughts on the 'winter storm'......
As bad as all of this 'winter storm' has been, maybe God intervened in order to protect some people.....Again, just my thoughts. I do look for the 'good' in everything.
Just sharing my thoughts on the 'winter storm'......
As bad as all of this 'winter storm' has been, maybe God intervened in order to protect some people.....Again, just my thoughts. I do look for the 'good' in everything.
- I wonder how many people were planning to stop by a bar, for a few drinks after work? - Possibly taking an innocent life afterward.
- I wonder what deranged person was planning an attack on a school or a downtown office building? - Possibly injuring or taking the life of an innocent person, or persons.
- I wonder if there was someone planning on robbing a bank or a store, at gun point? - Possibly leaving devastation in their tracks.
- I wonder if there was a student, being bullied at school, who was contemplating suicide when he/she got home, before the parents return? - Possibly leaving confused and hurt parents behind.
There are many reasons for God's intervention, or allowance of the situation. As bad as it has been for alot of people, maybe being stranded in a car, a motel, or even at school, was the perfect place of protection God placed them in. Our ways are not His ways.....
Isaiah 55:8 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. (NKJV)
Now, just a few more thoughts on the happenings, in the midst of the 'winter storm'........
- What about the baby that was born on the side of 285? Maybe those parents understand, a little deeper, the miracle they've been given?
- What about all of the people that opened up their hearts and homes, to the stranded 'strangers'? Maybe someone saw Jesus while staying warm in a stranger's home.
- What about all the 'strangers' getting out of their cars, banning together, to push another 'stranger' up a hill? Maybe that was the encouragement someone needed to restore their faith.
I think we can all thank God today for something. This entire 'winter storm' caused havoc among many, and may continue through today, but God is still in control. Through all of this, God has protected His loved ones, in many different ways.
I believe in all of this, many have had their faith restored, have realized how precious life is, and have seen Jesus in that stranger. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Maybe He just wanted to remind us all of his command.....
John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you (NKJV)
I believe there was, and still is, alot of love being shown out there on those icy roads, and in that stranger's home. And, this is making God smile. So, praise God for something today and if given the opportunity, show some love!
For those that didn't have to get out, the many prayers, for safe returns, were definitely heard.
GOD REIGNS AND THE SON SHINES, even in the midst of a 'winter storm'!!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Identify the Pride
I was an athlete growing up, even into adult years; it's what brought me out of my 'shy shell' - My Identity was in sports = Pride!
I held an awesome job that few women had (or have), and enjoyed it and all of my co-workers, for 30 years - My Identity was in a job = Pride!
I had a good salary and money in the bank; I had done, and was doing, well. I could help anyone at anytime - My Identity was in money = Pride!
I had a church family that I loved; I worked hard in the church, giving anything to anyone, but focus was lost - My Identity was in 'what I was doing' = Pride!
I was married to a man I loved very much - He had a great singing voice, which made me 'proud' to be his wife - My Identity was in a man = Pride!
Each of these 'prideful identifiers' slowly ended; Some by my choice - Some being forced - But all ended, leaving me empty for a short time.
I may be alone, without what once 'identified' me and made me 'proud', but with Jesus I'm never alone - He has promised to be, and shows me each day that He is with me - He IS ALL I need!! He is beginning to restore and replace some things in my life, financially and spiritually, but I'm no longer proud of the things of this world but am proud to proclaim I'm His daughter and He is my Father!
I held an awesome job that few women had (or have), and enjoyed it and all of my co-workers, for 30 years - My Identity was in a job = Pride!
I had a good salary and money in the bank; I had done, and was doing, well. I could help anyone at anytime - My Identity was in money = Pride!
I had a church family that I loved; I worked hard in the church, giving anything to anyone, but focus was lost - My Identity was in 'what I was doing' = Pride!
I was married to a man I loved very much - He had a great singing voice, which made me 'proud' to be his wife - My Identity was in a man = Pride!
Each of these 'prideful identifiers' slowly ended; Some by my choice - Some being forced - But all ended, leaving me empty for a short time.
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall
I came to a point where I had nothing; and nothing to be 'proud' of! But, at that moment God stepped in and showed me, and is continuing to show me, He is all I need!! He had to purge the pride! Too many things were taking up space where He belonged.
When I got to the end of my rope, or I should say, the end of ME, God reached down and pulled me up. I had to let go of things, and my pride, and grab hold to Him.
I may be alone, without what once 'identified' me and made me 'proud', but with Jesus I'm never alone - He has promised to be, and shows me each day that He is with me - He IS ALL I need!! He is beginning to restore and replace some things in my life, financially and spiritually, but I'm no longer proud of the things of this world but am proud to proclaim I'm His daughter and He is my Father!
1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Today, let God 'purge the pride'! He will RESCUE-REDEEM-RESTORE and RENEW you, as only He can do!!
Purged of Pride and Planted in Him........
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