Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Egg Has To Be Broken!

Eggs have to be broken to be used and sometimes the same goes for us.

I love eggs; boiled, fried, scrambled, etc. Any way they are cooked, I love them. But, as we all know, if we are going to scramble, fry or poach an egg, it has to be broken. We can boil an egg, without breaking it, but until we break it, it's of no use to us.

We are alot like that egg; God can't really use us until we have been broken - meaning we have allowed God to break us down, shedding layers of self. Until we get beyond ourselves, and let God mold us into His image, He can't get all the glory He deserves.

All of us will go through many different trials and storms; make choices that will bring on consequences, and be disobedient to God, which will cause us to be broken. God allows all of these things so that He may work on us, in us, and through us, in order for us to depend on Him and glorify Him.

I have personally been broken in many different areas: Spiritually, Emotionally, Financially, and Physically; I didn't want to be broken in these areas, but God has a plan and nothing we go through will be wasted. Brokeness can change us - for good!

Genesis 32: 25  And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.

Jacob walked with a limp - But he was a changed man. We, too, may walk with a limp or carry scars, but God can and will use them for our good, and His Glory!

So, crack those eggs, break them, and make the best use of them - God will do the same with us. Eggs are always better when broken and so are we!

Broken & Blessed..........

Sunday, October 7, 2012

What's Your View?

It has been a very busy month; lot's of people have said to me, "wow, if it weren't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck". Well, I don't have luck, but I do have God! And, in all of the things that people have seen and thought to be bad, God has been right in the middle of them all.

I recently began a renovation on a house I will be moving back to, soon. Seems like when I would do one thing, another would creep up needing attention. It's been a struggle, but I have seen God work in miraculous ways through it all.

Romans 8:28 says that ALL things work together for good - but you can't stop there; it says all things work together for good, to those that love the lord and are called according to His purpose. When we live for the Lord, things will work out "according to His purpose". Things may not work the way we want them to but they will work out the way He has planned. I certainly appreciate God's love, mercy, and grace that He extends to me.

I would not have chosen the events I have been through the last 8 or 9 months, but I have grown closer to the Lord and am following the path He has for me. When we ask God to use us and help us grow (which I do on a daily basis), be ready, because He will answer you .... He may change your plans but His plans are always better! Stay close to Him and He will take you to bigger and better places, at just the right time.

Again, I don't have any kind of luck - I have God and know He is working on my behalf each day!

The next time you have something go "wrong" (or you think is wrong), look for God in it, He will be there. Find the good in every circumstance - it will make you less frustrated - He will be there, working on your behalf - that's a promise!

Matthew 28:20 ....... and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

How you view your circumstances will make all the difference!

Growing His way......

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Is Your Life A Maze?

As I journey through this life, I often wonder, "how is this going to turn out"????

Life can be like a "maze". God doesn't just drop us here on earth for no good reason - we are chosen! He knows before we do that difficulties may come our way, but that is just part of His plan for us - to help us trust Him and grow in His Grace!

I thought this morning, as I was gearing up for my day, that difficulties are going to come my way, but God will use each one for my good - and yours - He allows things to help us grow. God is watching us and knows exactly where we are and where we are going. It's as though this journey on earth can sometimes resemble a "maze". We think we are going in the right direction, only to come to a dead end. But, God will guide us if we let Him - He is always with us telling us to go to the right or go to the left. We have a free will to make a choice of the direction we will go, but if we let God guide us, we will have so much peace, that others will not understand it. We can spend a lifetime in the maze of life, trying to figure out the best route, or we can let God lead the way.

Have you ever been in a situation only to see no way out? Again, we have to keep trudging along, having faith God will lead us to His destination. We must never give up. God is with us - we may not be able to see the end - but He does. We just have to quiet ourselves, listen, and be open to His way. He wants only His best for each of us!

As you begin each day, let God be your guide, know that He is with you, and already knew where you would be, at this time ......

Everything is filtered through His Love! .... Learn through His Love and Grow in His Grace!

Growing with you .....

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Chic-Fil-A Controversy-2

-Final Thoughts-

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous (harsh) words stir up anger.

As I've prayed over this entire situation, I have come to know that my opinion is not needed! It doesn't matter what I (or anyone) think about someone else or their actions - God loves each and everyone of us the same! So, I will finish "part two" with a few scriptures and leave it at that. I don't want to help in keeping anything stirred up - - I want to always do my best, in being a the kind of witness that will bring glory and honor to the Lord......

Romans 3:10  As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. (KJV)

Romans 3:23  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (KJV)

Romans 6:23  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (KJV)

Romans 5:8  But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (KJV)

Ephesians 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. (KJV)

Romans 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (KJV)

I am not the "judge" of anyone - nor is anyone else. We will all be judged one day, so it's not for me to pass judgement on anyone's actions. It is only my duty to live out my faith - obeying God, loving others and being a good witness.

Matthew 7:1  Judge not, that ye be not judged. (KJV)

In His Love...................

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Chic-Fil-A Controversy

- Part One -

All of this controversy started over a man stating his beliefs - which we are all entitled to. He was and is stating his belief in "traditional" marriage and family values. We all must stand for something. But, I am saddened at some of the ways I've seen "Christians" acting through all of this.

As Christians, we are to "love one another" and "pray for our enemies", which I would suspect the Cathy's do. He started his business on "biblical principles" and is standing by that. He has not stated he "hates" anyone - only stated what he stands on. He will serve any and everyone that enters one of his establishments and I believe he would never "discriminate" against anyone.

When he took his stance on family values and "traditional marriage", others that disagreed with him, began the "boycott" talk, which in turn brought about the "appreciation day". Everyone has a choice - Boycott or Appreciate - that is clearly anyone's choice. Which ever way one chooses is their right. And, that seems to be this entire argument - RIGHTS. And, we do ALL have them.

In James 4:17, the Bible states, "therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is a sin." (KJV) This, my friend, means ANY right thing we know to do and do not do it, it is a sin! From keeping mis-given change to unforgiveness, and anything in between. A simple "white lie" is a sin.

God NEVER said He hates the sinner - He hates the sin! .......... "God is love" (1 John)

Proverbs 6:16-19 ..... 16 "These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren." (KJV)

**The Holman Christian Standard Bible reads - 16 "The Lord hates six things, in fact, seven are detestable to Him: 17 arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, 19 a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers."

I, personally, do not know anyone that is perfect. I've known and know people that fall into some of these very catagories, from the above passage of scripture (and I've told a lie or two and thought wicked thoughts, in my past). I have learned to love them all - God has taught me that - it's called spiritual growth. He loves them, also - He just hates what they do. I can't point a finger at anyone, without 3 being pointed back at me. This being said, we are commanded to love one another - we, as Christians, can stand for our values, but we don't have to "judge" - until we've walked someone's journey with them, we don't really know why they think or act the way they do.

I stood with Chic-Fil-A today, agreeing on "traditional" marriage and family values - I was not standing for "hate" against anyone. I found it very exciting to see the out-pouring of support that was given to a great eatery and it's founder, today. I believe everyone has "rights" - it is the way in which some handle (or mis-handle) that right, that disturbs me. When Christians become "obnoxious", "proud", "wicked", etc., that is what I do not want to be a part of. Beware of the person that says, "I'm religious" - it's not about a religion - it's about a "relationship" - with the Lord!

Let's all be the Christians God intends for us to be - stand on what we believe, hate the sin, but love the sinner. Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". We are all sinners, saved by His Grace! We don't have to "Bible Thump" people and that will never work, in leading them to the Lord - we must "love" them, to the Lord.

You've heard it said, "Stand for something or you will fall for anything" - so true! So, as we stand for what we believe to be right and true, let's not forget at sometime, somewhere, someone "loved" us to the Lord. And we should do the same for someone else.

Stand For the Lord - Love For the Lord! - You will make a difference!

Written as my thoughts & opinion.

Friday, July 27, 2012

All Choked Up

The soil in our yard is a real challenge for planting...most of our plants and flowers are in pots and containers, and I have noticed even they aren't doing so well.

In Luke 8, we find the parable of the "soil" and are reminded how the thorns and roots, etc. 'choke out' the growth and nourishment of the seed, and eventually - its life. At one time I planted some hosta lillies by our front porch in fresh new soil - they were beautiful for several years and then they just seemed to dwindle to nothing. I bought new ones this year to replace them. I began to dig the holes with the shovel for the new plants and was met with great resistance. The roots were so thick I could hardly get was like a thick mesh web and I never reached any good soil. -- No wonder the lillies looked like they did -- weak, skimpy and sparse......

What a picture of our lives when the "thickness" of the roots of sin and this world hinder our spiritual roots from freedom to anchor strong and deep in the soil where we find strength, security, vitality and nourishment to be able to withstand the "winds", "floods", "heat", and "cold" of this life. I asked a master gardener and he said that you need fresh new soil every time you plant. You even need to pour out the old soil in your containers because the roots from the old plants choke out the new ones trying to take hold.

I really don't want to invest the time and energy into removing the's so much easier to just pour a little new soil on top of the old - BUT - when the roots pass through the new soil and hit the old roots that have not been removed....a slow dying process begins.

Are there thick roots compacted in your "soil" from "old" plants...hindering the growth of the Lord's harvest of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness.....temperance? Try emptying your "containers" of the old rooted soil and replace it with some new rich soil that has conditioners like the Holy you will soon have a beautiful new harvest unto Him!!

Luke 8:7 ... And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. - (KJV)

(Written by my friend, Marsha - - Posted with permission)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Which Track Are You On?

As I run this race, this journey in life, I tend to think alot about roller coasters. We all have times, of ups and downs, when we feel as though life is out of control. We get the "highs" when things are on the up-swing and we get the "lows" when things spiral down, feeling out of control or filled with fear.

Not to say life is a roller coaster, but we do tend to have many "ups" and "downs". Some come with life and some come from us. God will allow things in our life that we have no control over and other times He will allow us to have control. Allowing us control, and we abuse it, is when fear sets in. But, when this happens, we must not make excuses, we just need to do the next right thing and get back on track, giving control back to God.

Have you ever been there, when a roller coaster gets off track? It's not an easy fix - the cars of the roller coaster do not just get placed back on track. It takes time and work. Same with us, we may get stalled for a while, waiting and trying to get back on the right track, but, it can get done!

Psalms 46:10 ..... Be still and know that I am God .....

Waiting is not a fun thing - No, this is not an "up" time, but it is something we all have to do from time to time. When we slow down, quit worrying and being fearful, God will speak and we will be able to hear Him. When we do, we can get back on track - with God - in order to continue on the journey.....In Peace!!

2 Timothy 1:7 ..... For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

As I am getting back on track, which has taken months - I'm not there yet - I have learned a great deal about myself and God. He has taught me many things during my "off track" time. He teaches us during all seasons, but if we really learn during the off track times, we can let go of the fear and begin to live in power and love, knowing we are following God's track. We will still have "ups" and "downs", but when they are placed where God wants them, the ride is much better.

Stay on track and enjoy the ride - It can be amazing!

Rollin' with you .... and Him!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Need Direction??

Isaiah 40: 31  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.

Have you ever been faced with a tough decision, and not have real peace about what to do? Well, we all have. God's Word tells us to "wait upon the Lord"; this takes courage and God does promise that "we can do all things through Him because He gives us strength".

Waiting is not one of the things we do well.....even though we should, because we are waiting on Him. And, having faith is pleasing to Him; sometimes much easier said than done.

I'm facing one of those decisions now and praying God will show me, clearly, what I am suppose to do. Some days I think I know what He is saying, while other days I'm really not sure. Do you think this is from the enemy? Of course it is, God is NOT the author of confusion. I've determined in my mind that God will reveal Himself so real and guide me in the right direction. We know the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, so anything that makes us doubt, is not of God.

Proverbs 3: 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding... 6  In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.

Psalm 46: 10  Be still and know that I am God....

All we have to do is go to His Word - Studying God's Word is exactly what we are to do - He will speak to us in a powerful and very clear way. He tells us to be still, trust Him, know He is God, and He will direct our path. I know God is getting ready to show me the direction I need to go, along with giving the peace, that only He can give; He will do the same for you!

Waiting on Him, with you........

Buried Or Planted?

John 12: 24     "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain, .......(NKJV)

1 Corinthians 15: 36     Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive uless it dies. (NKJV)

Do you ever feel like you are being buried by your circumstances?

I am facing circumstances, at the moment, that have me feeling as though I am buried. But as the verses state, "if it dies, it produces". We have to die to self everyday.

It's amazing how circumstances can come along, leaving you asking, "why?". I have twice this week talked about being buried or planted, (one brought on by me but another to help someone else), which helped me with today's blog.

I've been in a very difficult journey, one that has me feeling smothered and buried. But, I know, just like a little seed, I too will sprout. God is at work and this is a process. I'm not buried - I've been planted!

When we "plant" seeds in the ground, we do so expecting a beautiful flower or vegetable; whatever the seed is for. God does the same for us. You've heard the saying, "bloom where you're planted"; that's just what we have to do. God has allowed us to be where we are for the purpose of "growing" us. We may feel buried and covered in darkness, but God WILL bring us up, out of the darkness. We just have to settle in, die to self, and let the root take hold. Eventually, we will come through and see the light. This is a process - it doesn't happen over night.

I am still "under the dirt", but I can feel the love of God beaming down on me, and know that at anytime, He will pull me through. I will be stronger and better than I ever was. Knowing this doesn't make it feel any better, but knowing this, helps me to "push through", and with God's help, that's exactly what I will do. You, too, can "push through", knowing you will radiate with the beauty God intended for you.

So, if you're "in the dirt" with me, look upward, anticipating that "break-through" - the "Son" is shining and He will bring us to full bloom.....In His Time!

Growing, Producing, & Blooming Together.........................

Monday, May 21, 2012

Where Are You, Lord??

Do you ever feel like God has abandoned you?

I know there are times, when we go through difficulties, that we don't understand why things are happening, but we have to remember God IS in control. We all ask "why?" on occasion, but we really need to take a closer look at the situation. Were we disobedient? Did we step out of God's Will? Did we make a bad decision? Or, is it just something that came our way? We must remember, too, that no matter what put us in the adversity, it was filtered through God - He knew BEFORE it happened, it was going to happen.

Keep in mind, everything that is allowed in our life, no matter how it happened or why, God's ways are not our ways.

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God knows the plans He has for us - not for disaster, but for a future and a hope. (HCSB) Everything we face will help us grow, learn to trust God, and become more like Him. He only wants His best for you (and me).

I've prayed for several years that God will do WHATEVER it takes to make me more like Him - Wow! He is doing just that. I will never be exactly like Him here on earth, but he is doing a "total makeover" on me. It has not been "total fun", but my prayer is being answered. I could say, "this is the worst year of my life", but I will not because it is really the best year - I am closer to God than I have been in many years.

So, the next time you (or I) ask, "Lord, where are you in this?", know that He is in our midst - Instead of asking, "why?", Thank Him for the work He is doing. Embrace it, Trust Him, Keep moving forward and Believe His Word - Philippians 1:6 'being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.' (NKJV)

Thanking God for always being near!

**This is an extention of my last post, "Spiritual Surgery" - This is what is on my heart right now - God IS working in and on all of us - WE have to let Him work, accept what He wants for us, believe His Word and trust Him during the bad times, too. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us - that means He goes through the difficulty with us.**

Friday, May 11, 2012

Spiritual Surgery ...

I am so happy that God answers my prayers. He may answer in a different way than what I think He should or will, but He will answer. When we really get serious and begin to pray, God will give exactly what we need-when we need it.

I've been praying for a a few years, now, for God to really do a work in me. I've prayed to be FILLED with His Spirit, to be transformed into what He wants me to be, and to have people see Him in me. All of these things, He is doing in me.

As I was out for a jog today, it was as though God was right there with me. He began speaking to me and telling me that He IS working in me and on me. It's almost like a wound, with infection. Sometimes, the wound has to be re-opened, in order for the infection to come out. As I continued on my jog, with tears running down my face, I felt as though my tears were the infection coming out. It seems like my tears are coming out more and more; not in a bad way - some are very happy tears. But, I know as they stream down, I am being cleansed, delivered, and transformed; and it's all because of His love. I don't know what God has in store for me but I know I am not the same person today that I was ten years ago, a year ago, a month ago, or a week ago!

Philippians 1:6 ... I am sure of this, for He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Each day I awake, I praise Him, Thank Him, Love him and ask Him to let others see Him in me.

I am growing each day - it's not happening overnight, but I know, it's happening. And, again, as I was jogging, the Lord spoke to me, letting me know He will never leave me nor forsake me; no matter how many valleys I must go through or how many wounds have to be re-opened. There is a good reason for it all.

Romans 8:28 ... We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God; those who are  called according to His purpose.

Keep your heart and mind open - Stay focused on Jesus - Let Him do some "Spiritual Surgery" on you today and know that He wants His BEST for you and me!

Letting His Love flow through .....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Holy Spirit

When I began writing these "blogs", I was totally seeking God and felt like He was telling me to write. I had been praying that He would fill me with His Spirit and help me hunger & thirst for Him more than I ever have. I began blogging about circumstances and how God can work. I have enjoyed every writing. I've taken situations in my life, written about how God got me thru them, and the lessons I learned along the way. And you, the reader, may have never known how I was changing on the inside or how each blog was really speaking to me.

Some of my blogs have been, unknowingly, in a spirit of hurt, sadness, and bitterness;  I had great intentions and was thinking of others, while all along, these blogs were for me - God was doing a work in me and I didn't even realize it. I've since learned an amazing truth and am totally a changed person.

I don't know if somewhere along the way, my blogs have encouraged or lifted someone's spirits, but, I know they have kept me seeking Him, wanting more, and having received more - and I am thankful!! God will complete the work He starts in us (Phil 1:6). He is not close to being finished with me, tho'....I'm a work in progress! :-)

In Acts 2:1, God's Word tells us "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." 

Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

At the moment of Salvation, we "receive" the Holy Spirit; We can have "as little" or "as much" as we care to have. He (the Holy Spirit) wants to "indwell" us, but we must ask and be open to giving Him ALL of us. I personally have wanted more - to be filled and overflowing - and God has answered that prayer. He has filled me with the Holy Ghost and I pray I will be a funnel, pouring out the spirit of love - straight from the Holy Spirit - to everyone I meet.

Romans 5:5 "And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us"

I am on a great journey and look forward to each day, to see what God has in store for me. My prayer, for you, is that you will seek Him with all of your heart and mind, being open to whatever His plans are, for you. You may be surprised where He takes you!

Every journey begins with a step ..........

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Rock!

I once heard someone say: 

"Sometimes we hit rock bottom so we will discover that God is the "Rock" at the bottom"

This is so true, and so close to home, at the moment! Sometimes it takes "giving it all up" or "losing it all", to get us positioned exactly as God wants us.......and He IS our "Rock". As I have said many times, "when I'm at the end of my rope, I must remember WHO is holding the other end" - my Lord & Savior! So whether you are hanging onto the rope or you let go and hit rock bottom, know that God is ALL you need. He will never leave you nor forsake you --- this, I know!

Psalm 94:22  But the Lord is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge.

Psalm 62:7  In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

Psalm 31:3  For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.

Psalm 18:2  The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will tust; my buckler and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Stand on the "Rock" and you will stand forever........

All Bible verses from King James Version

Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Luck" or "Love"

Well, it's March and all the little 4-leaf clovers are everywhere. I've been thinking about the 4-leaf clover, for a few days; and then heard a preacher mention it in a message, so I thought about it for a while.

People tend to think it is "lucky"; rightly so, after reading some facts about the clover. I found it to be very interesting. The 4 leaves actually stand for "faith", "hope", "love", and "luck". So, why did the focus stay on the "luck" leaf, why not any one of the others.....well, I don't know, but, Christians should not live by "luck"; we should all have "faith". Rarely, if ever, do I wish someone "luck". I always try to encourage them with "it will turn out the way the Lord has planned". Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that "He knows the plans He has for us"........and great plans they are, IF we follow Him!

So, back to the 4-leaf clover.......The Shamrock, which has 3 leaves, actually does represent the Trinity:

1 leaf = The Father
1 leaf = The Son
1 leaf = The Holy Spirit

When the 4th leaf appears, it symbolizes = God's Grace, to which some added "luck"

If it will help, I will collect as many 4 leaf clovers as I can find, because I want ALL of Him.........But, we all know, it's not in the clover, but when we give our life over to God and trust in the Holy Trinity - we can't go wrong! Things may not always be the way we want them, but trust Him and know things are the way He wants them - for our good, I might add! And, all we have to do is ask, and He is with us! We don't have to carry around a bunch of clovers!

Since "love", in the facts I read, does signify one of the leaves.......I think from now on, when people say, "wish me luck" - I will just respond with "God's Love to ya'", because if we also label each leaf, as stated above, that clover is filled with LOVE surrounding you and me! And, God's Word does tell us, "God IS love".

Here's wishing you the presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.......... And, may God's Love be with you, always!

Facts read at and

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Season of Giants

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 
To Every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

I had to battle a few "giants" recently; sometimes past hurts stay with us, for a very long time, until we release them to God; we may have to dress for battle and go through many emotions, in order to let go and come out victorious. The 'season' will change and we will, too.

My particular situation was brought on by myself - no one else. Losing connections with those who play a huge, important part in my life has not been an easy thing to deal with. But, God has shown Himself so true, even in the midst of my anger, hurt, grief, denial, and acceptance, of the entire situation. Once I moved thru all of the emotions, I finally said, "Thank you, Lord, for not leaving me".

He is just waiting for us to move closer to Him, and sometimes that move is extremely hard, but well worth it, in the end. But, like His Word says, "ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28) and He is standing by with open arms.

My battle, not only got alot out of my system, but allowed me to sit at Jesus' feet, and cry! I have to say, at one point, I couldn't even pray, I just cried. But, again, this is just another wonderful thing about our Lord and Savior -He knows our heart even when we don't know what words to say. So, never give up, just pour out your heart (and your tears), for He cares for you more than you can imagine.

I give God all the Glory and Honor, each and every day, that He gives me the opportunity to fellowship with Him. Seasons come and Seasons go - but God's love will last forever!

This Season of Facing My Giants - God provided the "sling and the stone"!
(1 Samuel 17)

Philippians 4:13  "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Who's For You?

Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? (KJV)

Today, as I sat and thought about my circumstances, I repeated to myself, "God is with me - it doesn't matter who comes against me", and I truly believe that.

When things don't seem to be going our way, we need to remember, God is on our side. He loves us and cares for us. I read a sign today, "sometimes God delays us where we are, because He knows there is a storm, where we are headed" ..... Only He knows what lies ahead; and He cares more than anyone. We all know that the enemy is "lurking about to devour us", but if we trust and believe that God is working for us, we won't have to worry about the outcome. God knows what's best for us!

Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (KJV)

So, when the enemy comes trying to devour you or me and take our joy......Remember, NOTHING shall separate us from the love of God......we may slip, fall, or walk out of God's Will - but He is always waiting on us to return. So, let's not let the enemy make us think God is finished with us.....He's not!!!

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. (KJV)

Loving Him......And happy knowing, He loves me......

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 - A New Year

I know I am a little behind with my Blog; please forgive me - many things going on in this new year!

A new year brings new adventures; we must, in order to move forward in God's Will, put Him first and do several things:

Need Him - Matthew 19:26 ...With God all things are possible
Exercise Faith - Mark 11:22 ...Have faith in God
Worship Him - Psalm 95:6 ...Let us worship and bow down
Yearn for Him - Matthew 5:6 ...Blessed are they that hunger
Exhalt Him - Psalm 118:28 ...Thou art my God, I will exhalt thee
Abide in Him - John 15:4 ...Abide in me, and I in you
Rejoice in Him - Philippians 4:4 ...Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice

We must never lose hope; Jesus is always working in our life, and will complete His work ... Philippians 1:6  Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

In this new year, we must prioritize, keeping Jesus at the top - first things first! ... Matthew 6:33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Praying with you, for a great 2012, in the Lord.........

With God All Things Are Possible

With God All Things Are Possible