I recently began a renovation on a house I will be moving back to, soon. Seems like when I would do one thing, another would creep up needing attention. It's been a struggle, but I have seen God work in miraculous ways through it all.
Romans 8:28 says that ALL things work together for good - but you can't stop there; it says all things work together for good, to those that love the lord and are called according to His purpose. When we live for the Lord, things will work out "according to His purpose". Things may not work the way we want them to but they will work out the way He has planned. I certainly appreciate God's love, mercy, and grace that He extends to me.
I would not have chosen the events I have been through the last 8 or 9 months, but I have grown closer to the Lord and am following the path He has for me. When we ask God to use us and help us grow (which I do on a daily basis), be ready, because He will answer you .... He may change your plans but His plans are always better! Stay close to Him and He will take you to bigger and better places, at just the right time.

Again, I don't have any kind of luck - I have God and know He is working on my behalf each day!
The next time you have something go "wrong" (or you think is wrong), look for God in it, He will be there. Find the good in every circumstance - it will make you less frustrated - He will be there, working on your behalf - that's a promise!
Matthew 28:20 ....... and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
How you view your circumstances will make all the difference!
Growing His way......
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