Sunday, July 22, 2012

Which Track Are You On?

As I run this race, this journey in life, I tend to think alot about roller coasters. We all have times, of ups and downs, when we feel as though life is out of control. We get the "highs" when things are on the up-swing and we get the "lows" when things spiral down, feeling out of control or filled with fear.

Not to say life is a roller coaster, but we do tend to have many "ups" and "downs". Some come with life and some come from us. God will allow things in our life that we have no control over and other times He will allow us to have control. Allowing us control, and we abuse it, is when fear sets in. But, when this happens, we must not make excuses, we just need to do the next right thing and get back on track, giving control back to God.

Have you ever been there, when a roller coaster gets off track? It's not an easy fix - the cars of the roller coaster do not just get placed back on track. It takes time and work. Same with us, we may get stalled for a while, waiting and trying to get back on the right track, but, it can get done!

Psalms 46:10 ..... Be still and know that I am God .....

Waiting is not a fun thing - No, this is not an "up" time, but it is something we all have to do from time to time. When we slow down, quit worrying and being fearful, God will speak and we will be able to hear Him. When we do, we can get back on track - with God - in order to continue on the journey.....In Peace!!

2 Timothy 1:7 ..... For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

As I am getting back on track, which has taken months - I'm not there yet - I have learned a great deal about myself and God. He has taught me many things during my "off track" time. He teaches us during all seasons, but if we really learn during the off track times, we can let go of the fear and begin to live in power and love, knowing we are following God's track. We will still have "ups" and "downs", but when they are placed where God wants them, the ride is much better.

Stay on track and enjoy the ride - It can be amazing!

Rollin' with you .... and Him!!

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