Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year.....Or Is It?

YES, IT IS !!!

2013 has come and gone! Along the way there have been good times and bad; nothing, though, can compare to the love that I've felt from God. I'm sure many of you can say the same.

Through every difficulty, He held me close, giving me exactly what I needed. Was it financial help? Was it Spiritual help? Was it an encouraging word from a friend? Was it a ray of sunshine on a seemingly cloudy day? Was it a touch from Him?.....Yes, it was all of those things....In His timing!!

Philippians 4:19  And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
It IS and WILL BE a happy one, even if there are times of difficulties. God has walked before me, and you, to provide a way for us to make it through the hard times. He knows before we do what we will need and when--Trust Him and be happy where you are!! He loves You!!
Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need , for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
God did not bring you or me to the end of 2013 for any of us to go out feeling sad or regretful. Sure, we've loved, we've lost, we've cried, but, also we've smiled, we've laughed, and we've learned, so that we can move into 2014 with the One we know loves us and will never leave us. So, let's leave everything back in 2013, taking only the valuable lessons, and move forward holding onto our confidence in God and reaching for what lies ahead.
Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
So, grab hold of God's unwavering hand, along with me, and be all He wants you to be in 2014! Give God the glory for Who He is and Whose you are.....He chose you for a purpose.....2014 will be awesome - He isn't done with us yet! And He will make the way clear while making us new, for and in the new year!!
Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;
Here's to a Happy 2014 and A New You!!


Monday, December 9, 2013

God's Leading

Have you ever felt God leading you in a direction and not understood why? This has happened to me and I've talked to many people who have had the same experience.

Months ago, I knew God was leading me to do something and I did it, being obedient to Him. At the time, I really didn't understand the reason, but I knew God wanted me to follow through with what He had just placed upon my heart. With a little doubt, I obeyed but questioned Him for a thought, as to why He had led me in this way. After a little while, I was confident that I was acting in a way that God truly wanted, and became excited about the journey He had me on.

Isaiah 30: 21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. (NKJV)

It became apparent, after a few months, as to why God was leading me in a certain direction. It wasn't for the result I had anticipated, but He did reveal the reason to me. Often times God has us do something that doesn't produce the outcome we are looking for, but it will always be the outcome that will grow us and be for our good.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. (NKJV)
When it became obvious as to what God was doing - which was nothing like what I thought - I responded to His leading once again. Alot of times, God has to send us in one direction in order to show us the real direction He wants us to go. His reason for this is because more often than not we try to do things 'our way'. This can delay our progress, of course, but will always be for our good, further into the journey. We must learn to TRUST Him so that our progress will always be forward and that He will always get the glory!
Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (NKJV)
Yes, ALL things work together for good, whether it's something good or bad, when we follow Him. We can always look back and see God working - sometimes it's easier to see it back there than right here in front of us - so keep moving forward with Him (and for Him). He is with us each step of the way; we just have to trust Him and believe He is molding us into the person He wants us to be - not what we want to be.

He is the Potter - We are the clay.......


Monday, August 19, 2013

Radical Obedience

As I've thought about this topic over the past week, I came to realize that ALL obedience to God is somewhat 'radical'. I attended a women's event* a couple of days after drafting this post and God spoke so clearly to me, comfirming what I had written. That's just what God does, isn't it?? And that's one of the 5 filter questions in the YesToGod study - 'is it being confirmed?'....Wow, I just love the way God shows up and shows out at times. The women's event was ended with a question...'What does your Radical look like?' * ........ On to my post ......

Growing up in an angry home, it was my natural tendancy to be angry and blame others. I lived this way for most of my life. #ButGod pursued me and I came to know the Lord.....
  • Radical - I had to open my heart - and my heart was made of stone!!
As the Lord worked on my anger, melting it away, I then had to begin 'forgiving' people. #SayWhat?? Yes, we must forgive others....God commands it.....
  • Radical - It really wasn't all their fault - I had to take some responsibility!
Moving along thru life, letting God do some real work in me, I came to realize I now must love my enemies....Seriously? #SayWhat?? Yep! Of course this is much easier to say than do, especially when we have to see them but God's Word tells us to love them, so love them (and pray for them) is what I'm doing.....
  • Radical - I held the 'golden grudge' award!!! Had to let it go and love!
These 'Radical' moves of obedience may not be so radical in your life, but they were in mine. And that's just a few examples of how 'radical obedience' has looked in my life. Everyone's 'Radical' will be different, so let's never think of our 'radical obedience' as meaningless - every step of obedience is a step in the right direction and means something!

I've had many times when I haven't obeyed - learned that lesson the hard way! So now, when God speaks, I just go with Him (Big or Small). The next time you do something that you feel God is asking you to do, filter it thru the questions, do it and have peace knowing you were obedient. And when someone tells you you're crazy for doing it......You've just taken a step in 'Radical Obedience'!! :-)

Coming from a 55 year old that came to know the Lord at age 43, just know that 'everyday obedience can be radical'.

What does YOUR 'Radical' look like?

*The Real You women's event
*Julie Rape - Director

Thursday, August 8, 2013

#PalmsUp #YesToGod


God has a way of giving us exactly what we need when we need it! This On-line Bible Study, "What Happens When Women Say Yes To God"  is my confirmation, encouragement, and hope that I’ve been on and will continue to be on the right path, of saying YES to God.

I have lived this 'Say Yes to God' for almost 2 years now. While going thru a devestating time, all I could do was ‘trust’ Him. At times it was very difficult, but He would whisper so softly to me, “I am with you”.

As I literally ‘cried out’ with ‘palms up’, surrendering everything to Him, He would hold me, comfort me, and dry my tears. Everytime I would start to doubt (because of fear and lonliness) He reminded me of how far He’d brought me and what blessings He had already poured onto me. So, I would retrac my doubt and say, ‘Whatever’ YOUR Will is, Lord!

After a while, it became much easier ….. I now walk in ‘God Confidence’, not worrying about what’s been done, or what will come; He has brought me thru the worst of it and He will carry me thru to the end - that's His promise!

It may be a struggle to keep your ‘palms up’, but don’t give up - He gives us the strength we need to continue to praise Him. \o/

I’m not where I need to be but I’m not where I was!! He is faithful and true to His Word, so I will continue with hands raised high and palms up, giving Him all the glory!!

PalmsUp while saying Yes2God ……

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

U Turns

D0 you ever make plans for a vacation and get so excited that all you can think about is your destination? I think we all do that.

As I headed out of town recently, all I could think about was where I was going. In doing so, I made a couple of mistakes. Almost missing my first exit, I suddenly had to slow and vere quickly. Since I was back on track, my destination filled my mind, again. This time, I completely missed my turn and had to continue another mile, in order to turn around. Don't you love the people that designed the 'cut throughs' in medians?? Me too! So, a mile later I was able to make a U-turn, all in hopes of getting back on track.

This happens in life, also. Sometimes we get so focused on where we think God is taking us that we miss parts of the journey. But, God also allows U-turns - whether we are slightly off track or totally off track. Either way, He wants us to turn around and will guide us back to Him! So thankful for that!!

Each part of our journey is important; don't miss one!! We all get in such a rush to get 'there', that we overlook the 'little things', at times. Just like missing the exit, we may make a bad decision or miss the whole decision process, missing what's been placed in front of us.

Enjoy the journey, every detail of it! ..... Focus on God and where you are at the moment - He will direct your path!

On a journey with Jesus ..........

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Be Secure in the Lord!

Many times in life, misunderstandings take place, causing some real havoc.

An innocent word spoken, taken the wrong way, can turn things into arguments. And it's all because of insecurities. Most people are insecure, in one way or another, but with God, we can all become secure, living peaceably with one another.

Psalm 133: 1 ... BEHOLD, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!

At one time, in my own life, I was filled with insecurities; I, now, thank God daily for guiding me through those awful times. I'm still a work in progress but am much wiser and more secure than before, and I owe it all to Him!

Not everyone is against you and me; some are, but in the big scheme of things, do their insecurities affect us? .... No, they shouldn't! As long as we are staying close to God, treating others as we want to be treated, and being transformed, other's issues should not affect us. We may be the 'light' they need to see. We do not have to entertain every argument, competition, or other's insecurity that comes our way.

Being an athlete growing up, I definitely had a spirit of competition within me, but had to learn to keep it within the sport, not in life (this took many years). This is an area that insecurity plays out - we all want to be better than the next person. Why?? It's taught early on in life and shouldn't be - it's one thing to 'do your best', but causing strife among brethren because you want to be 'one up' on someone, is another.

I'm in no competition with anyone, but me! I want to be the best I can be, for the Lord!! I want to be a good example for others - no, I'm not perfect and have been insecure and have made mistakes - but God has worked on me, in me, and hopefully will work through me - my goal is for others to see Him in me, improve each day and let God's truth continue to set me free.....

My prayer is that everyone can come to know the Lord, in an intimate way, love their brothers and sisters, quit competing, instead be an encourager, and live life in a way that makes others want what we, as Christians, all have ---- Jesus!!

So, throw the competition out the door, slam it, and move on with confidence that God will guide you, turning those 'insecurities' into a 'secure' relationship with Him - He will never leave you nor forsake you! Everyone has heard the phrase, "Can't we all just get along?", yes we can and should. It is a command, isn't it??

John 15: 17 ... "These things I command you, that you love one another".

Secure in my Savior.........

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wait!!! Not Like This......

Have you ever prayed for something, got what you wanted, but didn't want it to happen the way it did? Whoa!! I have, but I keep trusting God.

I had a season in my life where I knew I wasn't living for the Lord, the way I should be. I knew my relationship with Him was slowly diminishing. I began to pray, asking God, to heal my relationship with Him, make me whole again, and teach me to trust Him more, and let me feel His presence, once again. He did just that!! Only, in my mind, I thought my prayer would've been answered differently.

Psalm 37: 4 Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. (NKJV)

Another word for 'delight' is 'rejoice' - And, I was rejoicing in the Lord; So thrilled He was listening and hearing me; He was going to wrap His arms around me and hold me, again - the desire of my heart - to be close to HIM!

Commit has the general idea to 'place into an other's charge'; Another word for 'commit' is 'entrust' - committing with trust and confidence. This is the very thing I was beginning to learn and to follow through with, only I didn't know what was coming my way. But, I was delighting (rejoicing) in and committed (entrusted) to Him!

After several long months, even up to a year, my life was spinning around me. I knew God was working on me and I was letting Him; for I was trusting Him and believing for the best - crying, at times, but He always held me close.

I eventually got what I wanted, the desire of my heart, to renew my relationship with the Lord, but did I want it the way I got it?? It wasn't my decision on how it happened - It was His - He knew what I needed, at that moment!! ..... What I got next was......Devastation! I lost a lot in the earthly realm, but gained much more in the spiritual realm.........I did pray, "do what ever it takes" to restore my relationship with You, Lord" - - He did!! Our growth doesn't happen our way......

Isaiah 55: 8  "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. (NKJV)

I never thought my journey would go this way - MY WAY IS NOT HIS WAY - but, I continue to delight in - 'rejoice' in and commit to - 'entrust' - putting it all in the Lord's hands, knowing He wants only the best for His daughter!! It could have all turned out differently, if I had interfered, but God had and has a plan - He allowed some painful choices to be made, in order for His work to be done in me - the journey may be painful - but, there is a purpose in the pain. We must remain 'open' for Him to work, regardless!!

God has been, and is with me, with each breath I take!! It's been a rugged journey but He has carried me and sometimes even had to drag me along side of Him when I couldn't muster up enough energy to carry on. My relationship with Him is greater than it's ever been - I rely on, look to, call upon, talk to, cry to, and TRUST Him with EVERYTHING in my life, now. I give Him ALL the GLORY, for who I am and who I am becoming! I had to get out of the way so God could do His work. As I said before, it can be very painful, at times, but God knows what we need, when we need it and 'He will finish the work He began'.....in me.......and you! (Philippians 1:6)

I love Him more today and trust Him more than I realized possible!!! I will continue to Rejoice, Trust & Commit to Him - - - No matter the cost - - - His ways are the best!!

Getting out of the way......So He can work!

Full Circle

We often go through things in our life that bring us full circle; that's exactly what has happened to me. Due to a lot of different circumstances, I am back in a physical place, where my walk with the Lord began.

As I journeyed back to this place, I pondered the reason, or reasons, why. After lengthy contemplation and a lot of prayer, God showed me the answer. Sometimes, we must get back to the spot where we came to know Him, in order to begin, again, in a new way, and the right way.

I came to a place in my life where all I had was God (and all I have is God); He was teaching me to trust Him completely. I thought I totally trusted God when I got saved, and in my heart, I did, but not in the way He wanted or I should. I trusted Him for salvation, but it may have stopped right there. We must surrender everything to Him and let Him guide us; I made a lot of decisions without fully trusting His way.

Now that God has brought me through the difficulties and I've put all of my trust in Him, I understand why He brought me, full circle, back to where it all began. I'm so grateful to Him, for loving me so much, to give me another chance to do things His way, not mine; and with much more understanding.

Colossians 1:10  And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.

I'm now living for the Lord, doing my best to please Him, letting Him teach me and grow me, in order to produce the right fruit. During the first 10 years, after being saved, I worked hard to please others, and do what I thought I was suppose to do, but learned through it all, there is much more to living for God, than just 'doing'. We are to love the Lord, first!! I did, and do, love the Lord, but somewhere in it all, I was not working on my 'relationship' with Him - I know that 'faith without works is dead' but I also know 'works without faith/trust' isn't fulfilling; He must be first - not things, duties, or people. Once we come to know this, and strengthen our relationship with Him, all the other 'stuff' will fall into place. He will then place opportunities in front of us, in order to work and serve Him, and others, His way not ours.

So, as I settle back into place, where I started with the Lord, life is much fuller. I am firmly committed to Him, allowing Him to make my paths straight - seeking Him in all decisions.

It's been a hard journey, at times, but I know God loves me and will never leave me nor forsake me - He has proven that on many occasions. I trust Him more today and am living for Him, whatever path He puts before me. I've come a long way, even though I went in a circle, I believe He is picking me up, placing me on solid ground, in order to begin the journey again; this time with the right mindset, attitude, and motivation.

Galatians 2:20  I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

You may or may not have to come full circle; start right where you are and begin living the life He wants for you - His way - He will meet you where you are. Your heart will tell you if you need to reclaim your love for God and start fresh - listen to that small voice. In my case, God taking me full circle had to be done (He knew my needs); It was in that circular journey, with the Lord, that I come to learn He was, and is 'working all things together for my good' --- a total transformation.

Living His Way .......

Monday, February 11, 2013

First On Your List??

Matthew 6:33  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

A little over a year ago I began 'seeking God and His righteousness', about 10 years after I had been saved. Although I had been saved and my sins had been forgiven, I didn't automatically know how to live for the Lord. I was doing everything 'right', I thought. But there is much more to it than that. I had to 'seek' God everyday and let go of 'me', giving Him full reign over my life.

Once I began 'letting go', God went to work in my life - taking away things "I" thought were important. He began a cleansing within me, which can bring alot of pain, by resisting the cleansing.

After going thru a devastating heart break, I had to seek God even harder everyday and cling to Him. He's been with me every step of the way. And, He will be with you also. He was answering prayers and holding my hand even though some of the answers were not the answers I wanted. But, in order to live totally for the Lord, I had to come to the understanding that He is in control and knows what's best!! I had to accept the answers, to my prayers, that He was giving me - which can be difficult - in order for Him to work on me and draw me closer to Him.

It's been a full year, since the beginning of my heart break and I can honestly say, 'God has given me everything I've needed', throughout this journey. He is still answering my prayers - His ways!

Matthew 5: 4  Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted

Even on the days I didn't think I could survive, due to the broken heart (over many things), God wrapped His loving arms around me in order to comfort me, as He promised! He knows my sufferings and knows yours, also. He is the God of comfort!! We just have to 'seek' Him and cling to His love.

Spiritual growth is a process - (which can be painful at times) - and it doesn't happen all at once. If we desire to grow in the Lord, we must give Him full reign - letting go of 'self'. God will give us the desires of our heart IF we delight in Him and commit our ways to Him (Psalm 37:4-5). It will not be given in our time or our ways, but in His time and His ways!

Today, if you are hurting, reach up to God, taking hold of His hand - He's waiting on you. Seek Him with your whole heart, knowing He is all you need. Once we place God as top priority, all the puzzle pieces of life will fall into place - His place, Not ours - in order for us to live the life that He has designed for us.

Seeking Him today and always ........

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Workout For Him ...

If any one of you ever walk, jog, or workout with weights, it's probably for a good reason: to get in better shape and grow stronger. I know, I do.
As I entered the gym last week, someone asked, "what are your goals?" Immediately, I answered with, "I want to lose this weight, yesterday!!"

I knew losing the weight was not going to happen overnight, even though in my mind, I really wanted it to happen that way. I know I have to go through many strenuous workouts (and eat healthy) to lose weight; sometimes that just kills the enthusiasm we all start our workout program with. But we must persevere and endure the hard work.

Matthew 24: 13 .... But the one who endures to the end will be delivered. (HCSB)
Life is the same; we run into difficulties and want to quit, but we can't. God's Word tells us to be strong and courageous. He also tells us He will deliver us....we must endure....to the end!!

Again, as we endure tough times, hardships, difficulties and even people who come against us, God is there for us and will provide for our every need.  

Last year, 2012, was not my favorite, but with God's help, I did make it through. And just as working out is getting me into better shape and making me stronger, so have the events of a past year. As bad as things sometime get, just know that with obedience, endurance and trust in God, we will all grow stronger and be delivered. And then, our light will shine brighter, letting others see Jesus in us.
Philippians 4:13 ... I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (KJV)

Thank Him today for the workouts of life.......

With God All Things Are Possible

With God All Things Are Possible