Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good Samaritan??

What happened to the days when people helped others; you know, "good samaritans".

I believe they have gone by the wayside. As I traveled by car this morning, I noticed a vehicle pulled into an "exit", headed the wrong way. As I slowed to look, making sure the person was alright, immediately I heard a horn blow and looked up to see another vehicle right on my rear bumper. All I was doing, was trying to see if the person was okay. Evidently, this driver was in a bigger hurry than me.

After years of a vocation, helping others, it sort of comes natural when I see an accident or someone pulled over to the side of the road, to check on them. Where has the compassion gone? Do people really not care about others? I don't believe they do. We live in a "dog eat dog" world, not giving thought to anyone else but ourselves.

     1 Peter 3:8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.....

It really is simple, follow God's Word and love one another, care for one another, and have compassion. It doesn't take a long time to check on someone, making sure they are okay; then help them with whatever the need is.

The next time you pass an accident or see a stranded motorist, take a moment to see if you can be of help; you will feel good for it later and may just encourage the one you stopped to help.

Just a thought: We are not comforted to be comfortable - We are comforted in order to comfort others!!

Calling all Good Samaritans.................

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